Evolution OR Creation (Part – 3)

skeletonYou adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God” (James 4:4).

The Bible says unregenerate people are in rebellion against God. The ultimate rejection of any person would be to deny their existence (hence the idiom “You are dead to me”). Ultimately, some people reject God to the point that they deny His existence. The denial of God is often epitomized by the (in) famous atheist Nietzsche’s statement “God is dead.” Continue reading

Evolution OR Creation (Part – 1)

hardware-operating-systemsFor centuries now the age old debate between Evolutionism and Creationism reigns.  While the Catholic Church has always maintained Creationism as its predominant stand, recently Pope Benedict (while he was pope) had even gone on record to call Evolution as Fiction.  However, with Pope Francis’ latest statement that both evolution and creation are compatible, we are now faced with two conflicting views.  Most of us Catholics have grown up with the clear understanding that Catholicism stood on the firm ground of Creationism. But now we are faced with another option that both Creationism and Evolutionism are compatible.  The Bible categorically puts forth its case for Creationism. Can both be right?  This is the confusion that I wish to address. Continue reading