Answering Life’s Basic Questions

By Ian D’Souza

I remember as a child and then as a teenager asking the following questions in my subconscious mind over and over again.  As far as I can remember, I could never find the correct answers from any of the classics or other materials (Reader’s Digest for example), that I frequently read.  Neither were they adequately discussed or shared in school and college.

The three basic questions of life are: (1) Where did I come from?  (2) Why am I here?  (3)  Where am I going?  Yes, Darwin did try to provide the answers through his hypothesis of “Natural Selection” which is regarded as the main process that brings about Evolution. However, consider the following: Continue reading

Evolution OR Creation (Part – 3)

skeletonYou adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God” (James 4:4).

The Bible says unregenerate people are in rebellion against God. The ultimate rejection of any person would be to deny their existence (hence the idiom “You are dead to me”). Ultimately, some people reject God to the point that they deny His existence. The denial of God is often epitomized by the (in) famous atheist Nietzsche’s statement “God is dead.” Continue reading

Another Web of Evolutionary Deceit

Published by permission from Creation Ministries International



Fossils are just one of many different pieces of evidence used to cause confusion between evolutionary theory and biblical history. Many of the fossil finds reported by the mainstream media are touted to be millions of years old but with no explanation of how the scientists reached that conclusion. The following fossil find is no exception.

LiveScience reports that scientists in Inner Mongolia, China, discovered an amazingly well-preserved fossil female golden orb-weaver spider, named Nephila jurassica, which is supposedly 165 million years old. Golden orb-weaver spiders are big enough to catch birds and bats in their web. The silk1 they use in their web shines like gold when sunlight catches it. This particular fossil was buried in volcanic ash and much to the scientists surprise, looks “about as large as its modern relatives, with a body one inch (2.5 centimeters) wide and legs that reach up to 2.5 inches (6.3 cm) long.”2

Any operational science experiment will show that a dead creature will not last long exposed to the elements.

So, is this another example of a creature that lived ‘millions’ of years ago and yet is surprisingly similar to its modern counterpart? Absolutely. A similar example was reported in early 2010 by Wired Science.3 This particular fossil specimen, known as Eoplectreurys gertschi, was given the same age as Nephila jurassica. However, the Eoplectreurys specimen looks exactly like its living counterparts today. Paleontologist and lead author Paul Selden said to Wired Science, “The scimitar-shaped structure you notice out of the male is so distinctive. Looking at modern ones, you think, well, it’s just a dead ringer.”2

Selden, director of the Paleontological Institute at the University of Kansas, said in the LiveScience article, “It would have lived, like today’s Nephila, in its orb web of golden silk in a clearing in a forest, or more likely at the edge of a forest close to the lake. There would have been volcanoes nearby producing the ash that forms the lake sediment it is entombed within.” So, apparently it not only looks like today’s golden orb-weaving spiders, but it also would have lived like them as well. This comes as a surprise to those who believe in the evolutionary framework of history; but not to those who believe in the biblical timescale.

The typical evolutionary long-ages description of how creatures become fossilized involves a very slow and gradual process of sedimentary layers of rock and/or ash being laid down over vast eons of time. However, any operational science experiment will show that a dead creature will not last long exposed to the elements. Things left out in the open succumb to the decay process and will likely be completely gone within a year. In order to fossilize something in sedimentary layers of rock or ash, it must be buried quickly. This is especially true of fairly soft-bodied boneless creatures like spiders. They cannot be exposed to the elements for very long before their bodies completely disintegrate. This destruction can come about in several different ways: microbial decay, scavengers and precipitation, to name just a few.

How do evolutionists handle this? They add yet another fossil find to the ever-expanding category of creatures that don’t fit evolution’s storyline of change over time. However, it fits much better with a recent creation of spiders made to reproduce ‘after their kind’ and being buried during the global Flood as recorded in Genesis. It’s very likely that this spider was entombed in ash from a volcanic eruption when the fountains of the great deep burst open and the floodgates of the sky were let loose. The ash then turned to stone, forever preserving this particular spider.

Evolution OR Creation (Part – 2)

weighingcreation[Special Note] – These articles on Evolution OR Creation or any of the others for that matter, may appear to some, as directed against Catholic Church teaching and the authorities within the Church. However, this author wishes to clarify that this is definitely not the intention of any articles that I write. (In fact wherever Catholic Teaching is in harmony with the Word of God, the same has been quoted as well). The sole reason for the existence of this blog-site is to publish truth as best as I understand it from God’s Word and the evidence of sound empirical science (wherever required).  In the pursuit of this Truth, it might often be necessary to state things which are contrary to what others in high office have stated.  Keeping in mind the constitutional right to freedom of expression that we all have, such truth is shared in love and with respect as per the scriptural norm.  Hence, my special request to you therefore, is to read carefully with the above in mind.

Catholicism & Genesis

A review of The Doctrines of Genesis 1–11:

A Compendium and Defense of Traditional Catholic Theology on Origins by Fr Victor P. Warkulwiz (Catholic Priest)

The Catholic Church’s belief about Genesis 1–11 has been confusing for a long time—ever since uniformitarianism and evolution came on the scene. Most seminaries regard this essential part of God’s Word as a Myth. This situation is similar to Protestant churches, sadly, for both liberal and conservative ones. Within the ‘traditionalist’ churches, the above book (by Fr. Victor P.W), is a welcome addition to the book Genesis, Creation and Early Man by the Russian Orthodox heiromonk Seraphim Rose, who documented that the Church fathers of Eastern Orthodoxy from the fourth century until the present almost all taught a young earth, a literal six-day creation, a global Flood, and the origin of languages at the Tower of Babel. Warkulwiz’s book focuses on the traditional teachings of the Catholic church from the early and medieval church fathers and comes to the same conclusions. The book was endorsed with a foreword by Bishop Robert Francis Vasa of Baker, Oregon. Continue reading

Evolution OR Creation (Part – 1)

hardware-operating-systemsFor centuries now the age old debate between Evolutionism and Creationism reigns.  While the Catholic Church has always maintained Creationism as its predominant stand, recently Pope Benedict (while he was pope) had even gone on record to call Evolution as Fiction.  However, with Pope Francis’ latest statement that both evolution and creation are compatible, we are now faced with two conflicting views.  Most of us Catholics have grown up with the clear understanding that Catholicism stood on the firm ground of Creationism. But now we are faced with another option that both Creationism and Evolutionism are compatible.  The Bible categorically puts forth its case for Creationism. Can both be right?  This is the confusion that I wish to address. Continue reading